Environmental Management System
Environmental Policy
Asia Cement establishes an environmental policy of " preventing environmental pollution and creating environmental performance through continuous improvement of the environmental management system" to minimize negative environmental impacts in the product manufacturing process.
In order to realize environmentally friendly management, we are striving to realize sustainable development by improving and maintaining the environmental management system, minimizing pollutant emissions, increasing the use of net hospital resources, and establishing a win-win system with stakeholders.
Action Plan
- -In developing all management and production activities of our company, we believe in all regulations and internal management standards stipulated by environmental laws and regulations as a promise to ourselves and thoroughly comply with them.
- -All of our organizations and systems are organized, enacted, and operated to fulfill their role as a basic framework for promoting environmental management.
- -All manufacturing facilities, as well as all stages from product design to production and delivery, must be operated in accordance with the environmental management action plan.
- -Become a leading company in the environmental industry that creates environmental performance through continuous environmental improvement and environmental technology development and helps the environment.
- -Prevent environmental pollution, minimize waste generation, and continuously promote efforts to increase recycling of useful resources ( waste ).
- -Encourage environmental awareness through continuous environmental education for all members, and strive to actively share environmental information with the local community.
Environmental Management System
Asia Cement's environmental management works on a systematic process of Plan > Do > Check > Action .
Policy establishment and implementation
- Environmental management policy
- Annual environmental goals and detailed goals
- Environmental improvement program
Continuous improvement of the environmental
- Management system Minimization of pollutant
- Emissions Increased use of circulated resources
- Establishment of a win-win system with stakeholders
Operation of environmental evaluation program
- Environmental internal audit
- Investigation of the environmental conditions of the Jecheon Plant and branch plants
- Environmental management evaluation by professional organizations
Reflection of improvement goals
Goal and Action Plan
Sustainable improvement of environmental management systems
Implementation of sustainable development

Environmental Performance
Asia Cement environmeal management is highly assessed by a proof of KSA certfication.
Certification by KSA